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WANTED! Committee Members

 Pre-School is overseen by our fun and active committee. The committee has a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary along with other people undertaking roles. At the moment we have seven members, who meet once each half term to discuss anything that comes up in terms of running Pre-School.
Without a committee Pre-School would not be able to run. Because we are a charity it allows us to offer great rates in terms of fees for the children to attend.
This November many of our committee will be standing down as their children will be moving on to School, leaving just a couple of members. Pre-School needs your help. If you think you could join the committee in November (or before) once we get back to normality please email me back and I can pass your details on to Cassie our present chairperson.
The committee is a great way to meet other parents and support a local charity. Any interest from new volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
Parkgate Pre-School is a lovely Pre-School. Our hard-working staff thoroughly enjoy meeting your children and working with your families, always with your child’s best interests at heart.
If you are interested please get in touch. Thank you.