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Parkgate pre-school operates within Early Years Foundation guidelines and offers learning through play environment with a structured daily routine.

All children are respected and valued as individuals and we encourage self-esteem in all children in the following ways:

  • Displayed named work.
  • Praise all their efforts no matter how small.
  • Reward efforts to help their peers and adults with Wishing Stones.
  • ‘Welcome Wall’ – display of photographs brought in by parents / guardians of children.
  • Teaching the children to value and respect both peers and adults alike through role-play, stories and leading by example.
  • News Time – an opportunity for them to share with everyone their news, experiences, opinions and show toys that they have brought in that morning.

Parents are encouraged to provide resources, if they can do so, for the “Interests Table” reflecting the term topic.  All of our resources are chosen to give the children a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of the rich diversity of our multi-cultural society.  Materials will be selected to help children to develop their self-respect and to respect other people.
