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Voluntary Management Committee

Parkgate Pre-school is run by an elected committee which ensures that decision-making is in the hands of the staff and parents who form the group. The committee is responsible for reviewing both policy and practice, and for the employment and appraisal of members of staff.  All parents are welcome to participate in the management of the pre-school by attending meetings or joining the committee.  If you have anything you wish to bring to the committee’s attention, or any questions, please have a chat with any of its members.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which the committee for the following year is selected, is held in the Autmn Term and parents will be informed in good time so they are able to attend. Please consider volunteering for a role on the committee during the time your child is at pre-school.  Not only is it essential for the running of the pre-school but it is a great way for you to become directly involved in your child’s early education.  Most of our committee are parents elected by parents – we need ALL our parents to be involved and we value your ideas and help – however you can give it.

The current committee is made up of 11 members and all members are volunteers as we are a non profit making organisation. The key roles and responsibilities within the committee are as follows:

The Chair

  • The public face of the elected committee, representing the Pre-school where necessary at public events and sometimes at meetings of other organisations.
  • Takes charge at committee meetings.
  • The Pre-school supervisor’s line manager.
  • Supports and authorises the work of the treasurer, checking (at least monthly) that the money banked corresponds with the amounts signed for on original documents.


  • Deals with the group’s official paperwork (except for accounts)
  • Draws up and circulates agendas (in consultation with chair)
  • Keeps proper records (minutes) of meetings
  • Arranges venues for meetings


  • Prepares receipts and payments budget for the year, divided into manageable time-spans such as months or terms.
  • Maintains the bank account
  • Petty Cash
  • Arranges for fee collection
  • Pays staff wages and volunteer expenses

Other committee roles:

  • Child Protection Officer
  • Health and Safety Officer
  • Fundraising
  • Policy review

The committee member role is to ensure the work is done. They do not necessarily have to do it themselves, there may be someone linked to the Pre-school who has relevant skills in a particular area who is better suited to do the job.
